" Aandavan Solran, Redkp Seiran ( For me God is my ideas so lets rephrase the translation)."
" Ideas tell him, REDKP adapts to them."
" So, this is how my one-line Intro will be the norm of my upcoming ventures."
" Getting to the point with this question, when might this road in the above picture be constructed with a plan? The answer to this question will be similar to an interpretation of some random text. Come on REDKP, don't be so silly in developing an approach towards your point."
" Scenario: Conversation b/w a Reader friend and REDKP during a blog discussion:
"From the reader's perspective: Hey isn't it tough ask. You just show me a pic of a road from the random set of roads in this nation and ask me about it's construction history. Isn't it insane of you Mr. Redkp."
" Redkp: Yes it sounds foolish, that's REDKP for you."
" The chatter continues: Hey, now don't confuse me. Why do you shoot this shot now.
" I was like: It's the analysis of the bumps and cracks of an Indian road near my livelihood, this road happens to be near my school. At peak hours this road becomes a jammed trap for its bypassers."
" Oh, So how are you supposingly connecting these clips with?"
" Answer: Wait and watch, Until the release of the writeup is released."
" If you bypass any Indian roadway, you will find a dog at random points. When I reverse transcribe the DOG, I will get GOD. Now, this GOD only has an insight of the construction date of the road in the above pic."
" India has an ambitious dream of constructing 100 KM of roads every day from the contrary of 33 Km/day in the scenario of the year 2021."
" Now, when I referred to a few readings about this important yet understated issue of this republic, I was shocked about one point that was missed out from the list."
" I remember that someone in my friend's circle that someone said Indian Roads will be off American school of standards in a couple of years."
" American Standards but why not Indian school of Standards? As Indian Standards will tend to remain lower when compared to other schools of standards. I shall exclude Indian Highways as their tenders and contracts and the introversive, extroversive and controversies around them cannot be explained."
" We blame the authorities for every failure of roads. Yes, that's true, they are to be held accountable for such worse conditions on our roads. But then we had some responsibilities vested in our rights. We forget them big time."
" Isn't there a process for road construction? Yes, they do exist if the contracting is done legally. If it happens to be a setup across the biggies, then procedures become mere formalities. It is not that plan is there, but it is only on paper. There is execution, but in what form is the most compelling question setting up this writeup."
"Actually for a long-long time, there has been no reboot of Indian urban cum rural roads, instead there has been constant rerolling and layering of the constituents over the already damaged road. Come on it is called repair work by the concerned people. In reality, it should be called replastering. I might reiterate it again and again but this is the reality of any damaged road."
" Consequences of such unorganised construction are just the basic problems we face daily. During the monsoon season, a heavy downpour would lead to potholes down the road, leading to unprecedented traffic jams. The displayed clips at the top of the writeup are a small subset from a sample space of roads that I have observed over the years. Heard this scenario in news: During a typical summer day in the hottest regions of the nation, these layered roads just become jellies where you could find your foot stuck to the road in the temperature of 46 degrees Celsius."
" Now this is the most important scenario which I have encountered on a personal front: The accidents that take place on such unorganised roads happen to be the most unfortunate outcome. Well at the age of 13, I have been part of an accident whose victims were my grandparents who suffered injuries (The visuals I witnessed were painful to describe, just wouldn't love describing it on this platform). This was an event, which made me realise the fact that:
" If it happens to you, for you it is experience. Whereas if you hear that it happened to someone, for you it is a NEWS."
" After all this detailed discussion, I get this mostly familiar quote:
" We don't choose the best alternative most of the time, but instead we choose for the more convenient option in every occassion.The convenient option could be the best route in the end. But, best option can't really be convenient accordingly ( Opinions could differ as well)."
" This quote converses every conclusion of this writeup. Though reconstruction of a road looks like the best option, the human mind will go for the convenient option called relayering of that road. Well, the people who administer us are also human minds. Hence expecting them to perform such tedious task is not a wise decision. Also resurrecting a road will lead to a temporary yet high-impact loss of socio-economic activities. So relayering also if done with quality construction plans, looks like convenient option leading to the best route in the end."
" Well, we close this file, Stay tuned until for the next feature."
Just a closing cracker:
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